international association for shell and spatial structures

IASS Membership

All those interested in any aspect of the design, analysis, and construction of lattice, tension, membrane, shell, and other lightweight spatial structures, as well as those interested in the research into their behavior, are welcome to become members of the IASS. Please join the with about  hundred others from around the world to enjoy the benefits of IASS membership.

It is easy to join -- one just needs to use the JOIN IASS menu at the top of every page of this website.
The formalization of IASS membership has two requirements: (1) All members must have an active email address because the membership database and the Association's communications are organized around this unique identifying datum. (2) All members must consent to the terms and conditions for the use of the website, to the use of cookies by the website and, most importantly, to the Data Privacy Policy of the IASS (by explicitly checking a consent box that becomes a part of the member's profile).

For those wishing to learn more about membership and the composition of the Association, this section includes four pages of information as follows:

First, Membership Categories describes the nine categories of membership in the Association, although new members joining must choose among three entry-level memberships.

Second, with knowledge of the various levels of membership, the Benefits of IASS Membership for each category are presented.

Third, the special category of Collective Members, companies or institutions that support the IASS in its activities, is recognized by a posting of their business cards and by listing the representatives of the active Collective members.

Finally, the nature and scope of IASS Chapters, a means of extending the benefits of IASS membership to regions where economical conditions may make it difficult for individuals to join, is explained, indicating how this level of membership functions and listing the locations and representatives of the current Chapters.

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